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Strength club challenge
available TIMES

located at Pivot Fitness
471 Deseret Dr,
Kaysville UT 84037 suite 5

Select your target weight tier, find your max cumulative total for the following three lifts in this order, in one hour:    â€¨   
1 Rep Max Bench Press  â€¨     1 Rep Max Back Squat  â€¨     1 Rep Max Deadlift.    
        750lb Club
        1000lb Club
        1250lb Club
        1500 Club

        500lb Club
        750lb Club
        1000lb Club
        1250lb Club
        1500 Club

30 entry fee
Whichever tier you hit, you get a Tshirt for. Top 2 Male/Female prizes.


Permitted Equipment:
* Gym Chalk (magnesium carbonate)
* Weightlifting Belt
* Knee/Elbow Sleeves (single or pairs)
  * Note - Knees and elbows must remain visible and not covered by long shorts or sleeves during attempts
* Wrist Supports/Wraps
* Shoes in any style
* Olympic Lifting Singlet
* Talcum powder
* Shoes, in any style, are suggested but not required
* Mouth guards

NOT Permitted Equipment:
* Tacky of any kind
* Hand Grips of any kind including liquid grip
* Gloves or any type of hand, forearm or bicep coverings
* Sticky Adhesives or grip adhesives of any kind anywhere on the clothing, body, or bar (including spray or other)
* Multiple layers of sleeves/wraps on top of each other
* Lifting Straps of any kind
* Knee Wraps or Elbow Wraps
* Any multi-ply suits including deadlift or powerlifting suits
* Long sleeve pants/shorts that cover the knees/elbows
* Mono lift
* Specialty barbells including safety squat bars, trap bars etc.

movement Standards


Bench Press
A spotter/assistant to help lift the bar out of the rack is strongly recommended but NOT required.
Spotters may help to assist with taking the bar out of the rack to the starting position with the athletes arms fully extended and the bar fully supported over the chest by the athlete. Once the assistant lets go of the bar at the starting position, they may not touch the bar again until helping to re-rack when the lift is done.
The acceptable body position for the one repetition is as follows:
*   Both complete shoulder blades and the glutes must be in contact with the bench pad at all times. If either comes off of the pad during a lift, the lift will not count.
*   In order to achieve firm footing, lifter may have plates or blocks under their feet. If either foot comes off of the floor or plates during a lift the lift will not count.
*   Hooking of feet/legs around the bench supports is not permitted.
*   Both hands must remain on the barbell during the entire unbroken set
*   When the athlete has full unassisted control of the barbell extended over their chest after the initial unrack, they may begin their attempt by lowering the bar to the chest. There must be clear contact with the chest. Once contact has been made the athlete will then press the bar back to the starting position with the elbows clearly extended and the bar over the chest.

Back Squat
*   Barbell begins in the squat rack.
*   The barbell must be unracked from the squat rack without assistance.
* After unracking the bar the athlete must step back to begin the squat. The athlete must squat to a depth where the hip crease is clearly below the top of the knee with the barbell controlled in a back rack position.
*   High or Low Bar positions are both acceptable.
*   The athlete must then stand, without assistance to a position where the knees and hips are fully extended with the barbell supported in the back rack position.
*   The athlete must rerack the barbell without assistance to complete the lift.

Barbell begins on the floor.
*   This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside of the knees (Sumo Deadlift is not permitted).
*   Any style of grip is allowed.
*   The bar is lifted to the finishing position where the hips and knees are fully extended with the head and shoulders behind the bar.
*   Once the athlete reaches the required finishing position they will lower the barbell to the ground while maintaining control of the bar. Dropping the bar is NOT allowed.


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