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Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Barbell 6:30pm

Warm Up

3 Rounds

Row 200m

10 air squats

:10 sec Bottom squat hold

10 Alternative reverse lunges

6 Pause Front Squats

Every 2:30 x 4

(2 second pause in the bottom of All 6 reps) DONT cheat the 2 seconds!

*keep All sets at same weight! Weight should be Heavy’ish 70% of 1 rep FS

Clean Drills

(Put the focus on foot work) jumping out quick for the catch)

Hang squat cleans jumping out with feet !

5 x 5 start at 50% 1 rm squat clean (build up to 65%)

• all squat cleans

Clean Complex

Every 1:30 x 10 Building to heaviest complex * start at 55% of 1 rep Squat clean

1 clean pull + 1 Clean high pull + 1 power clean + 1 Hang Clean

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