Back squats
Light To Heavy
Every 2:00 x 10
6 -6-6-3-3-3(weight you did last week) 1-1-1-1 (try to go heavier on these singles!
Tabata Rower
4:00 Total Time
:20 work
:10 rest
3 Rounds 25-30-35’s
12DB walking Lunges
12 DB Lateral Lunges (6each leg)
Tabata Bike
4:00 Totall Time
:20 work
:10 rest
2 Rounds 25-30-35’s
-16 DB sit-ups (hold 1 DB under chin)
-16 DB Deadlifts
-16 DB Sgle. Leg hip thrusts (16 each leg) put 1 DB on hips