Work out:
3 Rounds
7 deadlifts (95/65)
5 hang cleans
3 push jerks
10 lateral burpees over the bar
*Rx+ 15 lateral burpees over the bar (135/95)
*Goal is to pick a weight you can go unbroken on the bar for the 7-5-3 with
*This is a sprint! So send it!
*8 min goal time
3 Rounds
8-12 DB bench (heavy)
50m farmer carry
3 min rest
*Same weight for the bench all 3 rounds
3:18 Rx
3:36RX, 30# bench, 45# carry
4:05 wod, ladies rx+
55 bench
3:30 - 95# but I got so excited I forgot it was 15 burpees. This is stevens fault though because he didn’t count my reps and call me out!!
35#- 10 bench 65# db farmer carry
3:41rx; bench 30#; farmer 50#each