Bet you can’t guess how old I am.
Have Fun Good Luck!
You will need: BB, DB, Jump rope.
Barbell is Rx you can use Dumbbell’s for a scaled option. (tricep extensions. Everyone uses single DB)
Hardest : Go through each movement one at a time.
Scaled option: You may proportion the workout however you’d like.
Warm up
1 Curb and back run
2 times through:
10 Banded pull aparts
10 Single KB deadlifts
10 push ups
10 pass throughs PVC
10 OH squats PVC
For time!
Barbell #95/65 +115/85
Dumbbells #50/35
The work
35 Box Jumps 24/20
35 Pull-ups
35 Back Squats
35 (DB) Tricep Extensions
35 toes to bar
35 push press
35 RDL
35 DU or 80 singles
35 OH lunges/option FR. (SA W/DB)
35 Burpees over BB
RX+ 115. 34:35 Happy Birthday Johnny!