A) 3 min Easy Row Bike
(3 hard pulls at the top of each minute)(10 sec bike bursts top of each min)
B) 1 Round:
10 Tempo Band Good Mornings
1:00 Hang From Bar
5 Tempo Split Squats Per Side
10/side Unweighted Single-leg Romanian Deadlifts
20 Band Pull-aparts
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
2 Squat Cleans + 1 Jerk• Barbell:
60-80% of 1RM Clean & Jerk
Set 1: 5 Deadlifts at 70%
Set 2: 4 Deadlifts at 72%
Set 3: 3 Deadlifts at 75%
Set 4: 2 Deadlifts at 77%
• Rest 1-2 Minutes Between Sets
"Sham" [HERO]
7 Rounds For Time:
11 Deadlifts (Bodyweight)
100 Meter Sprint (corner of building back)
Time Cap: 12 Minutes
For Time:
30 Power Cleans
600 Meter Run
30 Push Jerks
OPEN/QUARTERS Barbell: (135/95)
SEMIS/GAMES Barbell: (155/105)
Time Cap: 10 Minutes
In part 1 we’re on week 2 of our clean cycle. Keep in mind that these can be power or squat cleans but athletes should complete whatever variation that began the cycle with last week. In part 2 we have an aggressive couple with the hero workout, Sham. While it says bodyweight for the deadlift, athletes should modify to a load that should feel on the light end of moderate and can be completed unbroken every round.
Deadlifts | Light to moderate. Unbroken. :45 or less
Sprint | :45 or less
The One | Teaching Focus
Press the earth away
Today’s critical teaching point is to focus on standing the barbell up by driving the legs hard into the ground which is what creates elevation on the bar. Teach athletes how to execute the deadlift and the clean as a leg press more than a hinge. Cue driving the feet hard into the ground to begin the lift.