Power Cleans
5 sets of 3 reps - Every 3 mins
*These do not need to be touch & go
Work Out:
12 min AMRAP
12 toes to bar
9 power cleans (135/95)
7 strict pull ups
*Goal is 4-5 rounds
*Rx+ 155/105 2 rope climbs
*Cleans should be a moderate weight. Something you can do quick singles.
Cleans 95# worked on form.
3+15, 85#
Power clean: 155#
WOD: 3 + 12 Rx
3 power cleans 145# (145 previous 1 rep pr!); WOD 4+6 (105 & 2 rope climbs)
Power Clean: 225#
WOD: 3 + 22 RX+
Almost 4…. :/
3+13 rx+
255# strength