General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
ROM + Temp Prep
:60 Bike
:60 Bootstrap w/ reach
Tabata :20 on / :10 off
Bike sprint
Tempo air squat
Bike sprint
Air squat
Bike sprint
Explosive jump squats
Barbell Tabata (:20 on / :10 off)
Stiff leg deadlifts
Front rack elbow rotations
Good mornings
Back rack elbow rotations
Back squat
Back Squat
On the 2:00 x 3 Sets:
Build to 85%
On the 2:00 x 3 Sets:
1 Back Squats
Start First Working Set at 85% & Build To Heavy
Strength Circuit
35:20 3 sets 2 laps
1. BB Thrusters
2. DB Russian twists 20/15
3. DB Bench Press 50/35
4. KB Single leg DL 35/25
5. Ring or RIP 60 rows