General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
Get out barbells and medballs
Tabata Flow (:20 on / :10 off)
Alternating box step ups
Samson stretch right
Samson stretch left
Alternating spidermans
Quick ups (no push up burpee)
Lateral lunge and reach
Lunge to knee hug
Bootstrap squat
Squat jump
Box jump
Push Press
Warm up
5 empty barbell strict
5 empty push
6 light weight
3 moderate weight
Build to 80%
6 Sets [Same Weight Across]:
2 Push Press
every 2 min
Aim For Between 80-90% 1RM
Option: 1
"The Good Life" [BENCHMARK]
3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row or Bike 30/24 cals 400M ski
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (24"/20")
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
Option: 2
3 Rounds For Time:
500 Meter Row
4 Wall Walks
20 Pistols
Perform 10 pistols on one leg before switching to 10 on the other leg.
Time Cap: 16 Minutes
After Party
1 Set
50 Banded pull aparts
50 Supinated banded pull aparts
50 Banded strict press
…Then 25 of each
Today we have one of our benchmark workouts. The stimulus here is hard and fast! All athletes are rowing the same distance today. We want athletes to modify this workout in a way that allows them to keep the pace high and the effort very cyclical.
Score: Time to complete work.
Row | 2:00 or less
Burpees | :60 or less
Box Jumps | :60 or less
The One | Teaching Focus
Leg drive on rower
Emphasize the mechanics of the leg drive on the rower. Help athletes understand that the rower is a lower body push before it is an upper body pull. Cue the athletes to drive the footpads away from and to extend the legs fully before pulling the handle. This will help them improve their performance on today’s benchmark