Every Monday will be Deadlifts.
Again it will be: 8 sets of 8 reps you only get 30 seconds in between each set. There is no tempo. BUT (touch and go all reps). That means hands stay on the barbell for all 8 reps! You will pick a weight thats at a moderate level for the first set (RPE about 7). By the 5th set it should be fairly difficult. Each week we will go up 5-10 pounds.
15min - running timer
8x8 .30 sec between sets
No tempo. Touch and go. (Hands stay on BB for all 8 reps.)
circuit 35:20 3 sets 2 laps
3rd lap 1 set burn out
4 people per station.
Rig Incline bench press RPE 8-9
Sissy squats 70/50 single or double DB’s
DB Bench OH extensions RPE8-9
KB Alt single arm press iso hold 45/30