Back squats. We are working our way to a 2 rep max. They should be heavy but they don't have to necessarily be a new PR. Because of the amount of sets. Then subtracting -20% max reps.
EMOM 1:30
Every other round add weight
Round 2,4,6,8 tempo 3 second decent.
1-2/6 reps(rnd 2 same weight but tempo)
3-4/4 reps(rnd 3 add weight and tempo 4)
5-6/4 reps
7-8/2 reps.
Finish 1 more round of: -20% for max reps.
*You can pair up here
*Starting weight: somewhat challenging RPE 7
Circuit 40:20 2 sets lap 1, 1 set lap 2 & 3
*Old Saturday workouts
2 sections
Everyone with a barbell and DB’s
At your own stations working out together
Barbell curls 65/35
DB sissy squats 50/35
DB Devil press 50/35
-3min break (set up barbell for Row & thruster weight)
3 Barbell push ups to 3 Bentover rows
BB Thrusters
Russian twists 20/15