With An Empty Barbell...
5 Good Mornings
5 Back Squats
5 Elbow Rotations
5 Snatch Grip Strict Press (From Back Rack)
5 overhead squats
With A Light Weight...
5 Back Squats
With A Moderate Weight...
3 Back Squats
Keep making weight jumps hitting 1-2 reps at a time until you are ready to attempt your heavy set of 3.
Back squats
Build To A Heavy Set of 3
Banded Pull aparts between each set
Lat pull downs, and Delt flys
Building Muscle: Pick weights to find failure point before 35 seconds is up. Slow tempo, intrinsic movements.
Lean Muscle(cutting): Pick weights to find failure at the 35 second mark. Faster tempo movements.
2 laps
First lap 3 sets
2nd sets
BB incline Bench press
DB RDL 65/45
DB bicep curls 30/20 with iso hold at 90
DB/KB Single leg Box step ups 50/35
Core- in/out crunches