Warm Up
3 Sets
:30 Sec Bar Hang
:30 sec Ring plank hold
:30 sec Hollow Hold
Rest 1:30
Emom x 10
1. 5 BB Floor Press + 10 BB Rows + 5 Clean High Pulls
2. 35 Banded Lying lateral presses
*135/95 95/65 75/55
5 Rounds For Time
15 WallBalls 20/14
10 Box Jumps 30/24
5 BB Jumping Back Squats or 10 BB Front Squats
Rest :30
Speed abs - 3 Rounds
*goal is to pick a number that you can hit unbroken on every round & also keep your speed as well
24/15lb Plate
20, 25 or 30
Unbroken Russian Twists w/plate
Rest 1:00