Next week we will max out our Deadlifts & Find a 1 rep max! Then we'll be starting a back squat & Bench press strength cycle
Single Leg Barbell Deadlifts
3 x 8 (8 each Leg) Tempo 3 count lower 1 count to the top
3 x 1:00 BB Front Rack Hold 185/115
Rest 2:00
EMOM x 30
1. 60 Dubs (scaled 45) 100 sgl
2. 5 Heavy Sumo DL
3. 10 Strict Push Ups
4. 10 Burpee Box Jumps
5. 20/15 cals
6. Rest
“Goodbye 2023”
3 Sets For Quality
23 Banded Glute Raises w/ 2 ct pause at the top!
23 Banded Bicycle Crunches
23 Banded Wallsit Clamshells