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Writer's pictureStephanie Russell

Saturday Booty Class 9:30am

Warm Up

3 Rounds

:30 seconds Bike

6 walking lunges + 6 Air Squats

“Upper Body Strength”

12:00 Minutes to complete....

3 Sets

-3 x 12 Incline DB reverse Chest press *as heavy as possible keeping good form in all reps


:10 sec. Bottom of a push-up hold into 5-8 strict push ups

Booty Strength...

Emom x 5

6 Back Squats @ body weight

Rest 2:00

Emom x 5

8 Heavy DB Back Stepping Lunges

Booty & Core Builder

Buy In: 800m Row


3 sets

12 Wall Balls + 12 Wall Ball Sit-Ups 20/14lb

Rest 1:00 in between sets

2:00 Rest

3 Sets

-25 Banded Donkey Kicks Each Leg

-6 Jumping Switch Lunges + :30 sec wallsit

Rest 1:00 in between sets

2:00 Rest

3 Sets

-10-10-10 Bulgarian Split Squats Each Leg (10 singles + 10 sec hold + 10 sec pulses) NO weight!

-8 V-Ups w/ 2 sec pause at the top

Rest 1:00 in between Rounds!


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