DeadLifts & Bulgarian Split Squats
Every 3:00min x 5 rounds
*weight increases on the Deadlifts each round
*individual weight Options
A. 165-185-205-215-225
B. 135-155-175-195-205
C. 95-115-135-155-175
-5 Deadlifts (you choose weight options from above)
-10 Goblet Bulgarian Split squats #35lb DB (10 each leg do 20 total)
Booty Workout
Complete 5 Rounds of…
-5 Wall balls 20/14lb 10/9’ Target
-10 Wallball
Air Squats (Butt has to touch your wallball every squat)
-15 Plank Jacks on Elbow
-200m run
Rest 1:00 in between rounds