Goal is to keep a steady pace.
Conditioning, we are looking for a steady pace that you can hit all reps unbroken.
*Row/bike pace should be similar to EMOMS. Look to hold or increase that across all rounds and intervals.
Try not to drop the barbell
Everyone in there own spots and get all equipment ready for all rounds prior to start. Depending on class size start at Different AMRAPS.
10 min amrap: #95/65 115/75 -135/85-95
20/15 cal Bike/Row
10 BB DL
8 DB Bentover row 50/35
rest 3 min
10 min amrap:#95/65 115/75 -135/85-95
30 DU or 70 single jump rope
6 BB power cleans
8 BB front squats
rest 3 min
10 min amrap:
Curb and back run
8 DB step ups