3 movements per section
3 laps per section
Mix of upper & lower body movements with a cardio or core finisher.
Timer #8 40:20
Lap 1-2 sets overload the muscle (strength)
Lap 2&3-1 set (burnout/high reps muscle endurance)
BB- Rx95/65 Rx+115/85
-BB palms out row
-DB squats (on shoulders or goblet)
-Push up shoulder taps (push up tap opposite shoulder w/hand)
-BB hang power cleans
-DB Bear walks (Bear position walk DBs forward 4 steps then back)
-Core Flutter kicks
-BB Deadlift- add weight Rx 185/135
-DB Lunge curl combo (bottom of Lunge hover knee x2 curls Alt legs) rx 25/15
-Squat hip shifts Alt sides
push up shoulder tap