Very fast and cyclical piece to wrap up the week. Nothing here should look too scary, but the barbell should require us to think and get set for a moment before picking it up each round. Goal is to always be moving, how quick can you move and keep your transitions with these small sets?
"Sleepy Hollow"
15 Rounds x AMRAP 2:
[Partner 1]
Max Rounds:
5 Box Jumps (24"/20")
3 Toes to Bar
1 Deadlift (315/225)
[Partner 2]
Max Calorie Bike/row
[Partner 3]
* Pick-up Where Partner Left Off On 5-3-1
* Score Is Total Triplet Reps + Calories
* Example: 30 Rounds (270 Reps) + 270 Calories = 540
* Each Partner Goes Through Each Station 5 Times
30 Rounds For Time:
5 Box Jumps (24"/20")
3 Toes to Bar
1 Deadlift, @weight(315/225)
Time Cap: 35 Minutes