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Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Saturday WOD: Fast Five

1:00 Active Spiderman

1:00 Frog Front Rack Stretch

1:00 Pidgeon pose

1:00 Box Child’s Pose

Clean & Jerks

For Total Load:

15-12-9 Unbroken Clean & Jerks

Rest 3 Minutes Between Sets


- Clean reps can be performed as power cleans or squat cleans. Jerk reps can be performed as push jerks or split jerks.

- Reps should be performed touch and go.

- Use 1 barbell and swap out the weights.

Clips/collars should be used for every lift.

- Score: Load used for each unbroken set.


21/15 Calorie

15 Toes to Bar

21 Front Squats 135 / 95 lb

Rest 5 Minutes


21/15 Calorie

15 Toes to Bar

15 Front Squats 155 / 105 lb

Rest 5 Minutes


21/15 Calorie

15 Toes to Bar

9 Front Squats 185 / 135 lb

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