General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
General Flow :30 each
Get out medballs
Air squat to ball
MB front Squat
MB squat Clean
MB push Press
MB push Press and Toss
MB thruster
Set 1: 5 Back Squats at 75%
Set 2: 3 Back Squats at 80%
Set 3: 1 Back Squat at 87%
Set 4: 5 Back Squats at 80%
Set 5: 3 Back Squats at 85%
Set 6: 1 Back Squat at 90%
Every 2:30
5 Rounds For Time:
21/18 cals Bike/Row
50-40-30-20-10 Wallballs (20/14)
3 Rope Climbs (15')
Time Cap: 22 Minutes
Optional Snatch work:
Set 1: 2 Squat Snatches at 73%
Set 2: 2 Squat Snatches at 75%
Set 3: 2 Squat Snatches at 78%
Set 4: 2 Squat Snatches at 80%
Set 5: 2 Squat Snatches at 83%
• Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets