Warm up
10 Push-Ups
10 Empty Barbell Bench Press
5 Reps @ Light Weight
3 Reps @ Moderate Weight
Bench press
Build To A Heavy Set of 5
Every 2min x6
between each set 10 KB swings
Goal 50 reps each
Building muscle: low reps heavy weight
Lean muscle: lower weight higher reps
4min per movement
1 min rest
4 movements (mix of upper and lower body)
BB sumo squats 185/125
Dips matador/rings/box
LM Thrusters 75/35
Core ab rollers
1:00 Active Spiderman
1:00 Front Rack Stretch
1:00 Banded Front Rack Stretch (Each Arm)
1:00 Child's Pose On Box