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Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Thursday functional training: strength, core mobility

Mobility :30 sec each - 7min

Child's Pose

Shoulder to Floor (Each Side) 

Wrist Stretches  

Kneeling Front Rack Stretch

Down Dog

Up Dog 

Couch Stretch (Each Side)

Pigeon Pose (Each Side)    

Spiderman Hold (Each Side) 

Every 2 min x 8 - 16

-heavy set of 10

Odd rnd 10 BB Bentover rows

& 8 BB staggered single leg DL

4 each leg

Even rnd 10 DB bicep curls

& 8 tempo dips

Use matadors, boxes, rings.

Functional training & Core : 20min

Everyone in their own spots with her own weights, doing the same exercise/movement together.

3 sections

2 movements in each section

3 laps around each section


2 sets first lap

1 set 2nd and 3rd


Plate around the world squat

Plank drags (DB or KB)


Kick stand single arm swings

Low plank Spider-Man's


Elevated single leg bridges (use boxes, benches, platforms)

Hollow core Alt knee to elbow

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