On the 2:00 x 7 Sets:
5 Deadlifts
1-3 Sets Building to 80-85%
4-7 Sets Performed @ 80-85% of 1RM Deadlift
3 Rounds x AMRAP 4:
500/450 Meter Row/400m Run/.65Bike (bigger classes have people start on different cardio movements, and switch each round)
25 Deadlifts 185 / 135 lb
Max Box Jumps (24"/20") (if not enough boxes change to Burpees over barbell)
Rest 2 Minutes Between Rounds
350 DL
RX WOD row 11, run 9, bike 8 (28 total box jumps)
235 DL
Row 12
Run 10
Bike 6
265 DL
28, 25, 28 BJ
165# DL x 5
WOD 41. Row-Row-bike. 85#
205# DL
WOD: 18 step overs, bike/row/bike, 135# DL