Hip Thrusters
Build to a Heavy 5 rep Max
Between each set 10 each side oblique side plank crunches
7 sets - start light and build
Every 2min
"The Comeback"
For Time (18 Minute Cap):
50 Sit-ups, 50 Box Jumps
50 Sit-ups, 40 Dumbbell Push Jerks
50 Sit-ups, 300ft. Farmers Carry
50 Sit-ups, 20 Dumbbell Box Step-ups
Box: (24"/20")
Dumbbells: 50 / 35 lb's
- Overview: In this chipper style workout, athletes will work through the list of movements being sure to pace themselves in a way that allows them to stay moving without any substantial breaks. Shoulder and grip fatigue will be major factors in this workout.