General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
General flow
Get out bands
:20 Banded pull aparts
:20 Banded pass through
:20 Banded bent over row
:20 Tall plank shoulder taps
:20 Plank to toe touch
:20 Samson R
:20 Samson L
:20 Bootstraps
:20 Air squat
:20 Alt box step ups
:20 Box jumps
Benchpress or hip thrusters option
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets: 2 Bench Press
* Start First Working Set at 60% & Build
4min complete each movement
1 min rest
+10 reps if fininished and 1min+ remains
50 close grip Bench press
50 box step ups 40/25
50 BB Bentover rows
50 Sissy Squats 70/50
Cash out: 1 min handstand hold against wall