-Split the room for bigger classes 1/2 on sleds 1/2 on Deadlifts.
Part A)- 8min
Sled drags (outside with rip 60 bands)
Pair up (or in teams of 3 and switch every 20sec)
Sets: 8
30 Seconds On 30 Seconds Off
* Same weight across
Part B)- 8min
Deficit Deadlifts
Build to a heavy set of 5
4min complete each movement
1 min rest
+10 reps if fininished and 1min+ remains
Buy in: For time: everyone together 50 Ab mat sit-ups
50 DB bench laying down OH extensions
50 DB Sissy Squats heels elevated
50 Bentover Rows BB/DB
50 KB squat cleans
Cash out: 300m run around the building