Emom x3 laps -15 min
(For set up have everyone grab a barbell for their own OH. They will use the same barbell for the AMRAP's.)
14 wall balls
8 OH squats 115/75
8 R/L DB Bench single arm rows (each arm)
10 Moving plank (each arm 20total)
6 50ft Sprints (down & back)
AMRAP 6min:
20/15cal Row
20/15 Bike
Max BB Thrusters 115/85 135/95+
Directly Into..
35 Box jumps
BB Cleans 115/85 135/95+
Directly Into..
DU/singles 100/250 singles
Max Bench Press 155 / 105
85# -thrusters 11 -cleans 13 -bench 15
Thrusters 95#-16 115#-7 Cleans 135#-23 Bench- 155#-30
85# on thrusters, cleans and bench press
Already forgot reps but it was always between 23-27 on each.