1:00 Active Spiderman
1:00 Front Rack Stretch
1:00 Banded Front Rack Stretch (Each Arm)
1:00 Child's Pose On Box
Emom 4 rounds 1 min per movement. 16min
Jerk press 6@155/105 or 10@115/75
Box steps 8TOTAL @ 50/35 or 12@ 40/25
Wall balls 12 20/14
single arm rows L/R 8@70+/50+ or 12@55/40
"Has A Nice Ring To It"
4 Rounds x AMRAP 4: (reps as possible)
12 Power Cleans 135 / 95 lb 115/75 lb
400 Meter Run/25 shuttle runs down and back is one. 50ft
For the remaining time of the 4 min do:
Max Ring Muscle-ups or Bar muscle or C2B or pull-ups
Rest 1 Minute Between Rounds.
Every other round change cardio:
25/20cals on machines
25 bar muscle ups. (Rings too short) oops.