AMRAP 16 min
BB 95/65 DB 50/35
-10 pull ups
-8 BB upright rows does not have to be strict.
-6 each side step downs DB step up/downs (single leg L/R) 50/35 single DB
-6 each side single Arm Press
-10 box jumps
DB 35/20
3 rounds for time: 16 min time cap
15-Hammer Curls
16- renegade rows
15-DB front squats
15-burpees over DB
*posting score example
AMRAP: 95lb 5rounds+20r
metcon: #35 12:43
Mens Rx 5 rounds +24 Rx 11:00
Rx 6 rounds+10 Rx 5:25
Women’s RX 5 rounds Women’s RX finished with 5min 24sec left so I think 10min and 36 sec? It was freaking hard to do it at home 🤣
Mens Rx 4rounds + 18 reps Mens Rx 11:12 (4:48 left on the clock)