Bench press every 1:30- (pair up)
- Barbell should be taken from a rack.
- If you don't have a spotter, do not use collars on the bar for safety incase you miss a rep and need to dump the bar.
- Reps should be performed unbroken each set.
- Score: Enter weights used for each set.
10 Push-Ups
10 Empty Barbell Bench Press
5 Reps @ Light Weight
[WAVE 1]
5 Bench Press @ 70%
4 Bench Press @ 75%
3 Bench Press @ 80%
2 Bench Press @ 85%
[WAVE 2]
5 Bench Press @ 75%
4 Bench Press @ 80%
3 Bench Press @ 80-85%
2 Bench Press @ 85-90%
Metcon: 24min
"Zoom Zoom"
5 Rounds x AMRAP 3min:
15/12 Calorie machines or 200m run
40 Double Unders or 100 Singles
10Push ups
Max Hang Power Snatches 95 / 65 lb (see modifications)
Rest 3 Minutes Between Rounds.
Reduce Loading
Dumbbell Power Snatches
Kettlebell Swings
89 snatches at 95#