Wed Mobility
:30sec each
Child’s Pose
Shoulder to Floor (:30 Each Side)
Wrist Stretches
Kneeling Front Rack Stretch
Down Dog
Couch Stretch (Each Side)
Pigeon Pose (Each Side)
Spiderman Hold (Each Side)
Straddle Stretch
9 stations each
3 people Per station
2 laps 2sets.
Timer: Stations - under cardio
The Work:
sleds all push
DB hammer curls 30/25
Swiss ball plank knee drives
wall sit Banded Dept flys
suitcase crunches
rowers (outside)
KB OH suitcase Cary (outside) 55/35
Rip 60 rows/ring rows
Cash out:
200m run curb and back
10-DB Snatches 50/35
40 Russian twist
200m run