5-5-3-3-1-max reps
Every 3 mins
*Your first 5 sets are building/warm up reps for your max reps. Max reps should be performed at 70% or a moderate to heavy weight.
-12 min AMRAP
9 Front Squats (Light)
6 Tall Box Jumps
30 Double Unders
*Goal is 4-6 rounds
FS: 185 x 15
WOD: 6 + 10
Front squat: 8 @ 80#
AMRAP: 5 + 25 (30# kb instead of front squat)
Front squat: 12 @ 115#
AMRAP 4 + 4
Front squat 165# 8 reps
AMRAP 75# 5 rounds