BB Hip thruster: 10min
Set up locations against the wall or rig
Building to a heavy set of 3
1:30 x 6 rounds building weight each round.
Example 8-8-6-4-3-3
Partner workout
Pair up. 3's acceptable!
Tag you're it
2 rounds For Time: With a partner 95/65 lbs + 115/85
12 Wall walks (you go I go) (6 each) (inch worms)
200 meter (Partner Run (together)
34 Push press (you go I go.) 17each
400 meter Partner Run (together)
34 Lunges (you go I go) 17 each
200 meter Partner Run (together)
24 devil presses (you go I go) 50/35 12 each
400 meter run
*Split the work evenly. Break up the reps however you want.
*Must complete one move before going onto the next.
Started at 155#, ended on 275# trying to focus on better form.