Front Squat 15min
For Total Load:
15-12-9 Front Squats
Rest 2-3 Minutes Between Sets.
- Barbell should come from a rack.
- Each set should be completed unbroken.
- Athletes should aim to start around 45% of their 1RM front squat and either build or use the same weight across.
- Score: Enter weights used for each set.
Bench Press
On the 2:00 x 5 Sets:
2 Bench Press
*Use Same Weight Across
"Down For The Count"
For Time:
21-15-9 Thrusters 95 / 65 lb
4-3-2 Rope Climbs (15ft.)
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
- Reduce Loading
- Sub Dumbbells
- 42-30-18 Air Squats
- Reduce Height
- Reduce Reps
- 5 Strict Pull-Ups = 1 Rope
- 5 Toes To Bar = 1 Rope
- 3 Single Arm Ring Rows Each Arm = 1 Rope
- 6 Alternating Dumbbell Plank Rows = 1 Rope
- 2 Lay to Stand Climb