General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)
General flow :30 each
Get out jump ropes
:30 Single unders
Child’s pose lat focus
Thread the needle
:30 Single Unders
T-spine elbow rotation from quadruped
Scap retraction from plank
:30 Single unders
Push up
Push up to shoulder tap (faster cadence)
Pike push up (focusing on head through window)
:30 Double unders
Strict Press
Start First Working Set at 50% & Build To Heavy
On the 2:00 x 3Sets:
3 Strict Press
On the 2:00 x 2 Sets:
1 Strict Press
On the Minute x 10:
30 Double Unders
Max Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Partner WOD option:
On the Minute x 20:
Switching off every min
Partner A:
30 Double Unders
Max Clean & Jerks (135/95)
Parter B:
Plank Hold (variations normal, side plank)
After Party
Hollow Rocks
1:00 Elbow plank after each set
(Partner WOD covers the core work)
Today we finish up our strict press cycle with an opportunity for athletes to PR their strict press in the final set. In part two we have a play on the classic CrossFit benchmark, Grace. Similar to Grace, our minimum rep target is 30 reps here. We want athletes to choose a moderate weight that allows them to maintain 3 reps minimum per minute by completing quick singles. Athletes should target :30 or more for clean & jerks every round
Double unders | :30 or less
Clean & Jerks | Light to moderate. Quick singles.
The One | Teaching Focus
In the strict press, athletes can focus on the speed of the bar in their press.
In the DU, athletes should focus on the speed of their wrist turn.
In the clean, athletes should focus on the speed of their elbows through as they receive the bar in their front rack.
In the jerk, athletes should focus on the speed of their press under the bar after they jump.
Double unders
Reduce volume
Single unders
Plate / line hops
Sub Ski
Clean & Jerk
Reduce load
Hang variation
Sub DBs
Alt DB hang clean & jerk