-Cardio/core and a strength movement paired in each section
-4 sections
-2 laps - water break in between laps
-Timer Mix Burnout
-Goal- get as many reps/calories as possible with correct form.
-Try to beat or maintain score for the 2nd lap.
Work 1:45
Rest .30
Move .45
Red: Pull ups (butterfly, kipping, strict) full extension chin above bar- Ab rollers
2. Blue: Single DB sitting tricep extension 50/35 —- Sled push (each time you get to an end it’s 1 rep rx 4plates/3plates
3. Green: LM Bentover rows 90/45—-Rip 60 Pistol Lunges
4. Yellow: BB Squat Cleans 95/65—-DU/Singles (2 singles equal one DU)
Option: take a white board to count the reps in each movement. Beat or maintain scores for the 2nd lap.
Lunge pistol rip 60
534 @ Rx
554 💪🏽