3 working sets
Every 4:00 x 3
12 BB Step Ups 95/65
1 50ft DB Bearcrawl 50/35lb DB
Partner Workout:
-You can break up the 100’s however you decide between you & your partner! Only 1 person works at a time.
-All “synchro” moves have to be done together in sync with one another!
A. 100 Jump Lunges
30 Synchro T2B
B. 100 Kettlebell Swings 70/53
30 Synchro Push ups
C. 100 Plate Hops 2 45lb plates stacked
30 Synchro Ab mat sit ups
D. 100 Cals on Bike
30 synchro KB Deadlifts 70/53lb KB
Cash out
-1000m Run or Row (one partner works at a time)
-4:00 min Weighted wall-sits 35/25lb plate on lap (accumulate 4min of wall sits between the 2 of you)
(1 partner works at a time. You do not run together & you do not wall sit together)