30s Banded Hamstring Stretch (Each Leg)
30s Push-Up To Down Dog
1:00 Active Spiderman
1:00 Active Twisted Cross
Jerk/Push Press: 10min time cap!!
build to a heavy set of 5 strength or 10 for lean muscle mass.
From the rack
Must be unbroken
Arms fully extended
every 1:30x7
Start light and build each set. To find heavy set of 5 or 10.
Friday Circuit: 35min
Timer 8.3 full body burner
1st and 2nd lap - 2 sets
3rd Lap - 1 Set :Burner
Water break between 1st and 2nd lap. No water break between 2nd and 3rd.
Circling the room
-Mixture of upper body, lower body, cardio and core movements
BB squat cleans 115/65
Gorilla Rows
banded squat side step to squat jump
Hollow core plate OH extension
BB OH Lunges rig RPE 7
3 levels of ladder runs/outside
KB swings 50/35
Building Muscle: Pick weights to find failure point before 40 seconds is up. Slow tempo, intrinsic movements.
Lean Muscle(cutting): Pick weights to find failure at the 40 second mark. Faster tempo movements.