Valentines WOD
2 parts for time-
Split the workload evenly
one partner will be on the first 1st half of each paired movements while the other one works on the 2nd half.
DB 50/35
80 BB Box hip thrusters ↔️ 80 wall ball or bench incline chest press.
80 DB Lunges ↔️ 80 Pull-ups
80 DB Squats ↔️ 80 push-ups
-Then right into 3 rounds of -you go I go (switch off) BARBELL
10 Rows palms out
10 thrusters (squat press)
10 Alt toe touches
10 butterfly sit ups
After 3 Rounds finish with:
PARTNER RUN (through the back enter through the front) have to run together. Done
95/65 use hip thruster barbell - (boy/girl partners) need separate BB’s
You go I go - one rests while the other works