-3 sections
-3 movements per section
-3 laps per section
*Mix of upper & lower body movements with a cardio or core finisher.
Timer #8 40:20
Lap 1. 2 sets overload the muscle (strength)
Lap 2&3. 1 set (burnout/high reps muscle endurance)
BB-Rx95/65 +115/85 DB-Rx25/15
BB Single leg DL
DB Tricep Kick Backs
Cone quick feet (4 quick steps to side ways hurdle over cone)
BB Ben-tover row
DB staggered split squats (go up in weight if wanted)
V-ups (option suitcase crunch)
sec3 - heavy on the legs
BB front squats
DB/BB push press
Lunge x2 + Burpee