Hang Power Clean
Set 1: 10 Hang Power Cleans @ 60%
Set 2: 8 Hang Power Cleans @ 70%
Set 3: 6 Hang Power Cleans @ 75%
Set 4: 4 Hang Power Cleans @ 80%
Set 5: Max Hang Power Cleans @ 50%
Every 2:30 x5
15-12-9-6-3 (15 Minute Cap):
Power Cleans 135 / 95 lb
Front Squats 135 / 95 lb
Run Conditioning
2 Sets:
800 Meter Run [RPE 6]
400 Meter Run [RPE 2]
Rest 2 Minutes
600 Meter Run [RPE 7]
400 Meter Run [RPE 2]
Rest 2 Minutes
RPE SCALE [Number, Feel, Talk Test]
*0-1 [LITTLE EFFORT]: Talk without constraint.
*2-4 [ACTIVE RECOVERY]: Could have a phone conversation, but the other person would know you’re lightly exercising.
*4-5 [CRUISING PACE]: Talk comfortably, with light to moderate breathing.
* 6 [TEMPO PACE]: Talk in short sentences, breathing moderately hard.
*7 [THRESHOLD PACE]: Talk in short phrases, hard breathing.
*8-9 [HARD PACE]: Could say a word here and there between deep breaths.
*10 [MAX EFFORT]: Grunt. Drool. Groan.
- Score: Total Time Including Rest