Bench Press & Bent Over Rows
1 BB for bench press and either BB or DB For rows. Athletes choose Bentover row weight. Sets completed unbroken.
Pair up
Set 1: 12 Bench Press @ 50%
6 Bent Over Rows
Set 2: 10 Bench Press @ 60%
6 Bent Over Rows
Set 3: 8 Bench Press @ 70%
6 Bent Over Rows
Set 4: 12 Bench Press @ 55%
4 Bent Over Rows
Set 5: 10 Bench Press @ 65%
4 Bent Over Rows
Set 6: 8 Bench Press @ 75%
20 Bent Over Rows
every 2:30 min
10 Rounds (with a Partner) For Time:
12 Box Jump-Overs (24"/20")
12 HS push ups/Box Push-ups
12 Back squats (185/125 lb)
Every 4 min 200 meter partner Run.
Partners may switch as needed (“you go, I go” style). Split the reps however you want. Train some interval work while having some partner fun and working our capacity to go unbroken and fast on our box jump-overs, toes to bar scale, and overhead squats