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Thursday Strength

Writer's picture: John FadelJohn Fadel

-LAST BENCH 8x8 New programing next week!

intro: Every Thursday is Bench Press. 8 sets of 8 reps you only get 30 seconds in between each set. tempo is 3 seconds decent. You will pick a weight thats at a moderate level for the first set (RPE about 7). By the 5th set it should be fairly difficult 8th set should be failure or close to it. Each week we will/should go up 5-10 pounds.

Rig Bench press 15min - running timer

8x8 .30 sec between each set

3sec decent each rep

Circuit 30:20 3 sets 2 laps -22min

  1. BB Sumo squats 185/125 +225/145

  2. DB Bentover Rows 50/35

  3. Fire Hydrants

  4. DB/KB kneeling single arm press 50/35

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