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  • Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Monday strength

10 min warm up and demo.

15 min- Back Squat Working up to 90% of best 1RM for 1 x 1, then -20% for 2 x 3

8 rounds 1:30 EMOM


  1. 8 reps @ 50% of 1RM

  2. 6 reps @ 60%

  3. 4 reps @ 70%

  4. 3 reps @ 80%

  5. 2 reps @ 85%

  6. 1 rep @ 90%

  7. 3 reps @-20%

  8. 3 reps @same weight

Circuit *Have everyone adjust there J-hooks and grab a bench.

circuit 45:20 *top timer in strength

Upper body:Back and Biceps

Lower body: Quads

3 laps

2 sets for 2laps

1set 1 lap

  1. BB incline chest press

  2. pistol squats

  3. DB bench pull overs

  4. Low plank oblique dips

  5. Single kb squat cleans

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