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  • Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Tuesday Mix

Mobility: as you enter the gym

30s Banded Hamstring Stretch (Each Leg)

30s Push-Up To Down Dog

1:00 Active Spiderman

1:00 Active Twisted Cross


10 Push-Ups

10 Empty Barbell Bench Press 

5 Reps @ Light Weight

3 Reps @ Moderate Weight

...Keep building hitting 4-5 reps at a time until you reach 70%

Bench Press: Every 2min x6 12min

4 Sets:

12 Bench Press @ 70% 1RM

2 Sets:

8 Bench Press @ 70% 1RM

"Reboot" 22min

4 Rounds For Total Reps:

2 Minutes Machine Cals (go in heats if you have to) and switch from Rower to Bike every other round.

2 Minutes Max Reps (see rounds)

2 Minutes Rest

Round 1: Power Snatches option: Power cleans/ DB snatch 95 / 65 lb

Round 2: Box Jump Overs (24"/20")

Round 3: Handstand Push-ups options: Box push ups/ DB push press

Round 4: OH lunges options: FR lunges/DB lunges 95/65

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