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  • Writer's pictureJohn Fadel

Tuesday PVX/PVF: Boat Shoes

General Warm Up (6 Minutes) (3-9)

General flow 

  • :30 each

  • Samson stretch right 

  • Samson stretch left 

  • Tip toe stand & reach

  • Knuckle drag 

  • Alt quad pull

  • Alt knee hugger 

  • Jumping jacks 

  • Butt kickers 

  • High knees 

  • 200m run 


2 Sets:

3-5 Bench Press Building to 75-85%

2 Sets:

3 Bench Press @ 75-80%

5 Second Negative

Every 2 min


Max Unbroken Reps (No Negative) With Final Working Set Weight


For Time: 

1,250/1,100 Meter Row (cals 75/60

1,000 Meter Run (sub machine 75/60)

Rest 3 Minutes 

800/700 Meter Row 60/48

600 Meter Run 

Rest 3 Minutes 

500/450 Meter Row 

400 Meter Run

Time Cap: 30 Minutes

After Party 

3 Sets 

12 DB mixed rack alt box steps 

6 Each leg bulgarian split squats


  • For today’s workout we want to encourage athletes to aim for strong effort knowing there is rest between each rounds . To complete under time cap, athletes must be done with first round by 14:00, second round by 27:00, and final round by 35:00. Provide these timeframe benchmarks for your athletes to help them adjust distances as needed to accomplish this. 

  • Row | Around 6:00 / 4:00 / 2:00 

  • Run | Around 6:00 / 4:00 / 2:00 

The One | Teaching Focus 
  • Leg drive on rower 

  • Since we’re spending a lot of time on the rower today we can emphasize the mechanics of the leg drive on the rower. Help athletes understand that the rower is a lower body push before it is an upper body pull. Cue the athletes to drive the footpads away from and to extend the legs fully before pulling the handle. 



  • Reduce volume 

  • Sub machine


  • Reduce distance

  • Sub machine

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